
APSIM模型的发展与应用 被引量:55

Development of APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) and its application.
摘要 土壤 作物模拟模型已成为向农业生产管理决策提供科学依据的一个有效工具 .APSIM (AgriculturalProductionSystemSimulator)模型是澳大利亚科学家开发研制的 ,用于模拟农业系统各生物过程 ,特别是气候风险下系统各组分生态和经济输出的机理模型 .APSIM已在温带大陆性气候、温带海洋性气候、亚热带干旱气候和地中海气候带下的粘土、胀缩土 (duplex)、变性土 (vertisol)、粉粒砂壤、粉粒壤土和粉粒粘壤土等土壤上进行了验证和应用 ,可以用于小麦等 2 0余种作物的模拟 .APSIM模型在作物结构和轮作序列调整、作物产量。 Soil crop simulator model is an effective tool for providing decision on agricultural management.APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) was developed to simulate the biophysical process in farming system,and particularly in the economic and ecological features of the systems under climatic risk.The current literatures revealed that APSIM could be applied in wide zone,including temperate continental,temperate maritime,sub tropic and arid climate,and Mediterranean climates,with the soil type of clay,duplex soil,vertisol,silt sandy,silt loam and silt clay loam.More than 20 crops have been simulated well.APSIM is powerful on describing crop structure,crop sequence,yield prediction,and quality control as well as erosion estimation under different planting pattern.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第8期1027-1032,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G2 0 0 0 0 1860 2 ) 澳大利亚国际农业研究中心资助项目 (LWR2 /1999/0 94) .
关键词 APSIM模型 应用 黄土高原 模拟模型 APSIM, Loess Plateau, Simulator model.
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