
热处理冷却工艺对U78CrV钢轨焊接质量的影响 被引量:5

Influence of Heat Treatment Cooling Process on U78CrV Rail Welding Quality
摘要 为分析U78CrV钢轨闪光焊接接头的缺陷成因,设计4组不同的热处理冷却工艺,对每组工艺接头进行超声波探伤、磁粉探伤、显微组织分析、电镜分析、纵断面硬度测试及软化区宽度检验。结果表明:在接头热处理冷却工艺中,冷却速度过快容易导致出现马氏体组织和裂纹缺陷;喷风使接头全断面温度降至200℃以下后,接头遇水不会产生裂纹缺陷。焊轨基地冬季焊接U78CrV钢轨时,应当特别关注接头热处理后可能接触的环境温度。 To analyze the contributing factors of defects in the flash welding joint of U78CrV rail, 4 different types of heat treatment cooling processes are designed. Ultrasonic." flaw detection, magnetic particle flaw detection, micro- structure analysis, electron microscope analysis, vertical section hardness test and softening zone width test are conducted to each type of the welding joints. The results indicate that : the the heat treatment c.ooling process, martensitic structure and seaminess may easily occur when it cools too fast. No crakes will occur to the joints in case of water when the temperature of its entire cross section is cooled down to less than 200℃ by air blast. When welding U78CrV rail at the welded rail site in winter, it shall pay special attention to the fact that the joints may be exposed to ambient temperature upon heat treatment.
作者 倪峥嵘
出处 《铁道技术监督》 2017年第4期25-28,共4页 Railway Quality Control
关键词 钢轨焊接 冷却工艺 缺陷 金相组织 性能检验 Rail Welding Cooling Process Defect Metallographic Structure Performance Inspection
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