
我国南极科考站附近气旋的特征分析 被引量:8

The statistic and variance of cyclones enter in scientific investigation station of China in Antarctic
摘要 本文基于欧洲中心的ERA-Interim再分析数据,采用雷丁大学的气旋自动识别与追踪算法,建立了1979-2013年中国南极科学考察站长城站、中山站以及泰山站划定的统计区域内气旋数据集。基于这套数据,分析了3个站区附近气旋的气候特征,包括:气旋数量、空间分布、强度、加深率等,并研究了达到爆发性发展的气旋的时空特征。分析表明,长城站以及中山站气旋数量均有增加趋势,但都未达到显著水平;泰山站气旋数量的减少趋势达到显著性水平。3个站区的气旋统计表明,长城站统计区域内气旋活动最频繁,且爆发性气旋活动相对较多;中山站、长城站气旋的数量和空间分布具有季节变化,气旋数量夏季较其他3个季节偏少、偏弱;泰山站气旋活动最少,并且大部分影响到该站的气旋都处于消亡阶段,气旋的强度较弱,故气旋活动对该站的影响较弱。 In this study, we generate a new climatology of extra-cyclones in the Southern Ocean and the coastal area of Antarctic by applying an automated cyclone detection and tracking algorithm (developed by Hodges at the Read- ing University) for an improved and relatively high-resolution European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore- casts atmospheric reanalysis during 1979-2013. The climatological characteristics of cyclones appearing in scientif- ic investigation station of China in Antarctic are then analyzed, including track, number, density, intensity, deepe- ning rate and explosive events. It shows that the number of cyclones in the Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Sta- tion has increased for 1979--2013, but none of them statistically significant. The number of cyclones in Taishan Station has decreased significantly for the same period. Cyclones in Great Wall Station are more frequency than others, and explosive cyclones are also more detected. In contrast, the seasonal variation of cyclone activities in both Zhongshan Station and Great Wall Station are more pronounced than that in Taishan Station. The cyclones in Zhongshan Station are less and weaker in summer. There are less cyclones appearing in Taishan Station, even if there are cyclones activities, the strength of them are too weaken to affect the station.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期44-60,共17页
基金 2016年度南极周边海域物理海洋和海洋气象考察(CHINARE2016-01-01) 南极周边海域气象环境综合分析与评价(CHINARE2016-04-01)
关键词 南极科考站 气旋活动 气旋自动追踪算法 scientific investigation station of China in Antarctic cyclones automated cyclone detection and trackingalgorithm
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