目的了解大理州桶(瓶)装饮用水微生物污染状况,为卫生监督提供依据。方法对大理州2010-2015年桶(瓶)装饮用水送检和抽检样品微生物指标检测资料进行分析。结果 2010-2015年合计检测桶(瓶)装饮用水2 225份,带菌的254份,带菌率为11.42%;超标的133份,超标率为5.98%。2010-2015年各年的带菌率、超标率分别为14.06%、8.07%,16.85%、12.73%,13.95%、2.36%,6.51%、5.62%,9.25%、3.99%,6.99%、5.59%(P均﹤0.01)。6年合计检测监督抽检样品207份、企业委托送检样品2 018份,平均带菌率分别为39.61%、8.52%(P﹤0.01),平均超标率分别为15.94%、4.96%(P﹤0.01);检测纯净水1 456份、矿泉水409份、淡泉水360份,平均带菌率分别为10.44%、13.20%、13.33%(P﹥0.05),平均超标率分别为5.70%、4.66%、8.61%(P﹥0.05)。6年平均超标率,菌落总数为9.08%,霉菌和酵母菌为2.38%,大肠菌群为0.04%,致病菌为0.00%。结论大理州桶(瓶)装饮用水微生物污染状况较高,委托送检样品污染状况好于监督抽检样品。
Objective To understand the condition of the microbial contamination in the barrel (bottle) filled water in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture, and to offer the basis for the healthy supervisal. Methods To analysis the barrel (bottle) filled water in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture during 2010-2015. Results We have detected 2 225 the barrel(bottle) filled water specimens in all during 2010-2015, among which 525 carded disease germs and the rate is 11.42%, 133 exceeded the provided standard and the rate is 5.98%. The rate of carried disease germs and exceeded provide standard from 2010-2015 are respectably 14.06%, 16.85%, 13.95%, 6.51%, 9.25%, 6.99% and 8.07%, 12.73%, 2.36%, 5.62%, 3.99%, 5.59% (P 〈 0.01). the average rate of carded disease germs and exceeded provided standard of the six years are respectively 39.61% and 15.94% in 207 supervisal selective examination specimens, 8.52% and 4.96% in 2018 enterprise trust specimens (P 〈 0.01), 10.44% and 5.70% in 1 456 pure water specimens, 13.20% and 4.66% in 406 mine spring water specimens, 13.33% and 8.61% in 360 tasteless spring water (P 〉 0.05). The average rate of exceeded the provide standard of the CFU, fungus, E. coli and Pathogenic bacteria are respectively 9.08%, 2.38%, 0.04% and 0.00%. Conclusion The microbial contamination condition of the barrel (bottle) filled water is serious. Comparatively, the microbial contamination condition of the trust specimens is less serous than then selective examination specimens.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
The Barrel (Bottle) Filled Water