Based on daily minimum temperature data from 543 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2014, characteristics of extreme minimum temperature events over China were analyzed. By taking the spatial and temporal continuity characteristics of extreme minimum temperature events into account, the Intensity-Area-Duration (lAD)method was applied to assess the relationship between intensity and coverage of extreme minimum temperature events at different durations and evaluate the area of farmland exposed to extreme minimum temperature events. We found that the areas where single-site extreme minimum temperature events occur more frequently are located in the northern and northeastern regions and that most events last 1-2 days. In northwestern and southeastern areas, where extreme minimum temperature events are comparatively lesser, most events last longer (last 3-5 days, or more than six days). Coverage of extreme minimum temperature events has decreased from the 1960s to 1990s, and increased in the 21st century. The coverage of extreme minimum temperature events was lowest in the 1990s for different durations. Before the 21st century, regional extreme minimum temperature events were of short duration but greater area and intensity. Since the beginning of the 21st century, both the coverage and intensity of extreme minimum temperature events has decreased, but the duration has increased. The area of farmland exposed to extreme minimum temperature events increased before 1969, but then decreased. The maximum and minimum farmland area exposed to extreme minimum temperature events was in 1969 and 2007 respectively. Farmland area exposed to extreme minimum temperature events has stabilized since the beginning of the 21 st century.
Resources Science