
国际体育仲裁中越权裁决的司法审查 被引量:4

The Judicial Review of International Sport Arbitration Awards Ultra Petita
摘要 仲裁庭越权裁决,是瑞士联邦最高法院撤销仲裁裁决的法定理由之一。体育仲裁的越权裁决不仅包含超越仲裁协议、超越仲裁请求、超越申辩内容三个方面,还包含超越规则授权的情形。体育仲裁中上诉仲裁和特别仲裁占有较大比例,这两类仲裁与传统的商事仲裁存在重大差别,在这两类仲裁程序中,仲裁庭超越规则授权的情形值得特别关注。裁决书对细微事实认定不明确、裁定赔偿的数额与当事人请求赔偿数额存在略微差异等,不构成越权裁决。中国将来建立体育仲裁机制后,可以效仿国际体育仲裁院仲裁的重新审查权力,赋予体育仲裁机构独立于法院的完全审查权力。 Ultra petita is one of the legal reasons in repealing an arbitration award. In sports arbitration, awards ultra petita includes four different patterns, which are awards beyond arbitration agreement, awards beyond arbitration claims, awards beyond plea of defense, and awards beyond arbitration rules. Due to the high percentage of appeal arbitration in sports arbitration, it should pay more attention in arbitration awards ultra petita. It is not regarded as awards ultrapetita when some subtle details are not clear or there is slight difference between the amount in the wards and that claimed. China could follow the example of Court of Arbitration to entrust its sports arbitral tribunal with de novo power independent of the courts, after the sports arbitration system is set up in the future.
作者 熊瑛子 Xiong Ying-zi
出处 《苏州大学学报(法学版)》 2016年第4期22-31,共10页 Journal of Soochow University:Law Edition
关键词 越权裁决 全面审查 体育仲裁 司法审查 Awards Ultra Petita Principle of De Novo Sport Arbitration Judicial Review
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