
基于混合式翻转课堂的电力电缆课程教学模式探索 被引量:3

Research on the Teaching Mode of Power Cable Course Based on the Hybrid Flipped Classroom
摘要 电力电缆是我院特色专业输电线路方向的核心课程之一,不仅包含复杂的电磁场知识,也含有大量工程实际知识,本文根据其知识类型及特点,结合国内外翻转课堂研究成果,提出了混合式翻转课堂的教学模式,并对教学方法进行了探索研究。 Power cable is one of the core courses of characteristic specialty transmission lines. It contains not only the knowledge of complex electromagnetic field,but also a lot of practical knowledge. According to the types and characteristics of knowledge,the hybrid flipped classroom mode is put forward combined with domestic and foreign research results. The teaching methods were explored.
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2017年第29期144-145,共2页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 三峡大学校级重点教研项目(J2016015)
关键词 电力电缆 混合式 翻转课堂 教学模式 power cable hybrid flipped classroom teaching mode
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