
一种宽频带低插损的波导-微带转换器的设计 被引量:3

Design of a Kind of Waveguide-to-microstrip Transition with the Wider Bandwidth and the Lower Insertion Loss
摘要 设计了一种宽频带低插损的波导-微带转换器,并基于射频软件CST进行了仿真和优化,测试值和仿真结果吻合。频率范围覆盖13GHz^17GHz,插入损耗小于0.4dB,带内插入损耗纹波小于0.3dB,回波损耗大于23dB。 A kind of waveguide-to-microstrip transition with the wider bandwidth and the lower insertion loss is designed, and based on the RF software CST, it simulates and optimi- zes. In the experiment, the test data are in agreement with the simuation results. For a frequency band from 13 GHz to 17 GHz, the insertion loss is below 0.4 dB, and the wave ripple is below 0.3 dB, and the return loss is above 23 dB.
出处 《制导与引信》 2017年第1期24-28,共5页 Guidance & Fuze
基金 上海航天创新基金项目 编号SAST20150604
关键词 波导 微带线 探针 仿真 优化 waveguide microstrip probe simulation optimization
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