
妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤76例诊治分析 被引量:3

Diagnosis and Treatment of 76 Cases of Pregnancy Complicated with Ovarian Tumors
摘要 探讨妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤的临床情况及处理,为提高妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤的诊治水平提供资料.对南京市妇幼保健院2015年7月1日至2016年6月30日间收治并经手术、病理证实的76例妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤病例,进行回顾性分析.妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤患者76例,其中孕前B超检查发现9例,早孕期发现23例,中孕期发现9例,晚孕期发现10例,剖宫产术中发现25例.良性肿瘤64例,瘤样病变10例,卵巢交界性肿瘤1例,转移性恶性肿瘤1例.孕期发生蒂扭转3例.妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤良性常见.因早期妊娠时缺乏典型的临床症状而不易早期诊断,故应加强孕前及早孕期间的检查,定期随访,剖宫产术中应仔细探查双侧附件,及时发现卵巢肿瘤. To investigate the cl inical materials and treatment of pregnant cases associated with ovraian tumors, and provide experience for treating such disease. A retrospective analysis of 76 cases of pregnancy complicated with ovarian tumors was carried out , the patients were treated,operated and pathologically diagnosed in Nanj ing Maternity and Chi ld Health Care Hospital between July 1,2015 and June 30 2016. 9 of 76 cases were diagnosed by ultrasonic examination prior to pregnance,23 during the f irst t rimester,9 during the second trimester , 10 during the third trimester , 25 during uter ine- incision delivery. Among the 76 cases, 64 of them were benign, 10 were tumor-like lesion, 1 was borderline ovarian tumor, 1 was metastatic tumor. Three cases suffered torsion during pregnance. It is quite common in pregnant women complicating ovrian tumors. It is di ff icult to diagnose ovavrian tumors in the f irst trimester because of asymptomatic, so examination should be intensified before pregnance. All the pregnant women should undergo regular prenatal examina-t ion, and bi lateral annex should be checked careful ly during cesarean section.
作者 谢金 薛璇
出处 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期89-91,97,共4页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 妊娠 卵巢肿瘤 诊断 pregnancy,ovarain tumor,diagnose
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