

The patron-client relation between doctor and patient:An angle of view on the construction of the relationship between doctors and patients
摘要 庇护关系是一种基于资源不对等而产生的交换关系。由于医疗卫生自身的特性,医患之间本身即存在"庇护"与"被庇护"的关系,与此同时,人情社会的关系传统在当今中国仍然发挥着作用,"庇护关系"与"关系"的叠加之后形成了医患关系的复杂状态。当前医患关系紧张的来源之一是医患双方安全感的缺乏,这种安全感的缺乏某种程度上是由于制度不完备以及传统文化影响削弱而导致的双方"被庇护"的缺失,从而造成了医疗空间的紧张感。将庇护关系的概念结合中国本土化的"关系"概念和现代医疗卫生制度进行研究,能够为构建转型期的医患关系提供结合传统与现代的新思路。 Patron-client relation is a kind of exchange relation which is based on resource inequality.Due to the characteristics of medicine and health,there is a patron-client relation between doctor and patient,and meanwhile,the traditional guanxi in Chinese traditional society continues to play a role contemporarily.After the superposition,the patron-client relation together with guanxi formed the complexity of the relationship between doctors and patients.Both doctors and patients have an insecure sense which makes the tension state of the doctor-patient relationship,and this lack of security is due to the lack of patron-client relation between doctor and patient because of the weakening of traditional culture and the defects of the system to some extent,which causes the constraint of medical space.Combining the concept of patron-client relation and the concept of guanxi to analyze the problems of medicine and health can provide new ideas for the construction of the doctor-patient relationship in the transition period.
作者 李洁 LI Jie(Academy of Social Sciences ,Shanghai University of Engineering Science ,Shanghai 101620 ,China)
出处 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2017年第6期625-630,共6页 Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目:特大城市基本公共服务均等化实现路径研究 项目编号:13BGL152 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划 项目名称:老年人健康管理需求的主体性分析 项目编号:ZZGCD15124
关键词 庇护关系 关系 医患庇护 Patron-client relation Guanxi The patron-client relation between doctor and patient
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