
极小展弦比弹翼气动特性数值研究 被引量:3

Numerical Investigation on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Missile Wing with Minimum Aspect Ratio
摘要 为研究极小展弦比弹翼的气动特性,文中设计了展弦比分别为0.3和3.0的极小展弦比翼面和常规三角翼面,采用CFD数值模拟方法分析比较了极小展弦比翼身和三角翼身的气动特性。研究结果表明,极小展弦比翼身相比三角翼身具有较小的轴向力和诱导滚转力矩,但是在大攻角时产生较大的侧向气动力;极小展弦比翼的翼展很小,弹身体涡与翼涡之间产生复杂的相互干扰,影响全弹气动特性。 In order to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of missile wing with minimum aspect ratio, a wing surface with minimum aspect ratio ( aspect ratio = 0. 3 ) and a conventional triangle wing ( aspect ratio = 3.0) were designed, and aerodynamic characteristics of the wing body with minimum aspect ratio and triangle wing body were comparably analyzed through CFD numerical simulation. The result indicated that the wing with minimum aspect ratio had smaller axial force and induced rolling moment than the triangle wing, but generated bigger lateral aerodynamic force at high angle of attack. Body-vortexes and wing-vortexes interacted on each other and it affected the aerody- namic characteristics of the total projectile, and it was because that the wingspan of the wing with minimum aspect ratio was low.
作者 李剑 敬代勇
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期115-117,共3页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 极小展弦比 数值模拟 导弹外形 气动特性 minimum aspect ratio numerical simulation missile configuration aerodynamic characteristics
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