The Ukraine crisis further intensified the conflict between Russia and the West.At the same time,energy games between the two sides have reached a new intensity,which is shown by their growing competition in the pipeline routes and the related gas sources.Iran has great energy potential and striking geographic advantages,so against the background of Ukraine crisis,it becomes an increasingly important concern for both Russia and the EU in their energy games.For the West,especially the EU,lift of sanctions on Iran is a necessary condition for giving play to Iran's energy potential and for EU to effectively deal with Russia.Removing sanctions on Iran is closely related to restricting Iran's nuclear activities,which increases the necessity to reach a comprehensive deal on Iran nuclear issue at an early date.At the same time,against the background of the Ukraine crisis,Russia's support to the breakthrough in Iran nuclear issue is of special political significance to Russia itself,and the breakthrough itself would provide Russia with opportunities to develop trading ties with Iran,though it would also have some negative effects on it.
Social Sciences in Xinjiang