Mahan's'sea power'theory,Mackinder's theory of the Heartland,and Spykman's theory of the rimland are milestone achievements in the development of traditional geopolitics and have influenced US strategy in its emerging period,and especially on its post-war'containment'strategy.The goal of the'containment'strategy of the USA is to control the former Soviet Union as the heartland of the Eurasian Continent,its'containment'force is mainly distributed along the rim of the Eurasian Continent,its overseas military bases function as the military frontier,and it highlights the role of'containment'.Traditional geopolitics as represented by Mahan,Mackinder and Spykman serves as the rationale for the containment theory of the USA,and also a tool for its global expansion.Its influence is so profound that there is a very prominent geopolitical presence in the United States’'Asia Pacific rebalancing'strategy.
Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)