目的研究新生儿侵袭性社区获得性耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(communityacquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.CA。MRSA)感染的临床特征、分离株耐药性及分子特点。方法2014年1月—_2014年12月从国内6家儿童专科医院共收集到35例新生儿侵袭性CA.MRSA感染菌株,对其分离株进行多位点序列分型(MLST)、葡萄球菌染色体盒(SCCmec)、spa分型,采用琼脂稀释法对15种抗生素进行体外药物敏感试验。结果35例侵袭性CA.MRSA感染的新生儿中,88.6%的患儿是晚期新生儿,败血症(24,68.5%)是最主要的感染,16例(45.7%)患儿有并发症。ST59-MRSA。SCCmecIVa.t437(14,40%)是最主要的克隆,其次是ST59-MRSA.SCCmecV.t437(13,37.1%)。ST59.MRSA-SCCmecV-t437引起严重并发症的比例高于ST59-MRSA-SCCmecIVa-t437(P〈0.05),菌株多重耐药率高。结论新生儿侵袭性CA-MRSA感染以败血症为主,常为多脏器受累,伴有严重并发症,CA-MRSA多重耐药率高,ST59.MRSA-SCCmecⅣa-t437是新生儿CA.MRSA感染的主要克隆。
Objective To analyze the clinical and molecular features of community-acquired me- thicillin-resistant Staphylococcus attreus (CA-MRSA) infection in neonates and to investigate their antibiotic resistance profiles. Methods A total of 35 invasive CA-MRSA strains were collected from six hospitals in 2014. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) , staphylococcal cassette chromosome mee (SCCmec) typing and spa typing were used to analyze these isolated CA-MRSA strains. In vitro antibiotic susceptibilities of those strains to 15 antibiotics were analyzed by using agar dilution method. Results Up to 88.6% patients were late-onset infection and septicemia (24, 68.5% ) was the most common infection among the 35 cases. A to- tal of 16 patients (45.7%) suffered from complications. Caesarean section and premature birth were risk factors for invasive CA-MRSA infection. ST59-MRSA-SCCmecIVa-t437 (14, 40% ) was the most predomi- nant CA-MRSA clone, followed hy ST59-MRSA-SCCmec V-t437 (13, 37.1% ). The incidence of severe complications caused by ST59-MRSA-SCCmec V-t437 was higher than that caused by ST59-MRSA-SCCmec 1Va-t437 (P〈0.05). Up to 85.7% of the isolated CA-MRSA strains were multidrug-resistant strains. Con- elusion This study shows that neonatal invasive CA-MRSA infections mainly result in septicemia and are often accompanied by complications and involve multiple organs. Muhidrug-resistant CA-MRSA strains are prevalent in neonates. ST59-MRSA-SCCmec IVa-t437 is the predominant clone causing neonatal invasive CA- MRSA infection.
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology