语音能力是语言知识基础和基本技能的重要组成部分,许多师范院校英语专业学生入学初语音水平不高,语音课程的效果也亟待提高。为了改善这种状况,我们从教学内容、教学方法、评价方式等方面对我们的语音课程进行了3F特色模式的教学改革。本文主要汇报了课程改革的内容和效果,通过学生调查问卷的方式收集数据。研究结果表明,这种以课堂教学结合小组辅导(Facilitating Instruction)、多媒体下多种教学方式和有针对性的练习(Focused Practice),采用过关语音测验为主的形成性形评价(Formative Assessment)的综合课程改革是比较有效的。
English pronunciation is an indispensable component of English knowledge and skill.Many English majors are inadequate in pronunciation when they are enrolled and hence the necessity of offering them pronunciation course and enhancing its effectiveness.This paper reports the case study of integrated reform in instruction and assessment in such a course for English majors in a teacher's university involving changes in the teaching content,methods and assessment acronymized as 3F model.Data were collected through student survey and analyzed.It is found that the 3F model,based on facilitative instruction,focused practice and formative assessment,was effective in promoting student pronunciation capacity.