
“一带一路”视域下侨务工作的转型路径、合作机制与模式创新 被引量:16

Transformation Path,Cooperation Mechanism and Model Innovation of Overseas Chinese Affairs:The Perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 侨务工作是国家总体外交的重要组成部分。在"一带一路"建设背景下,促进海外华侨华人积极参与"一带一路"建设是侨务工作的重要任务。这一任务要求侨务工作要重点围绕外交形象民间化、工作重心外移化、资源配置市场化、业务平台信息化这一路径转型升级,通过构建信任信心机制、互惠互利机制、风险化解机制,恰当处理"一带一路"合作参与方之间的关系,并有针对性地运用"情感支撑""利益刺激"和"情利等值"等模式,以达到情感与利益、给予与回报的双重等值,让中国本土发展和中华民族的利益与华侨华人的发展相统一,使"一带一路"成为华侨华人自身发展和中国国家战略建设双赢的联结。 Overseas Chinese affairs are an important part of national diplomacy.On the background of the Belt and Road Initiative,promoting overseas Chinese to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative is a vital task.This task requires that overseas Chinese affairs work should focus on popularization of diplomacy image,external shift of work focus,marketization of resource allocation,information of business platform as a core path to transform and upgrade.Though constructing cooperation mechanism of trust and confidence,mutual benefit and risk resolution can be handled appropriately the relationship between the Belt and Road cooperation parties,Moreover,by applying emotional support model,interest stimulation model and emotion interest equivalence model targetedly,the double equivalence will achieved.Besides,it makes China mainland development,Chinese national interests and overseas Chinese self-development unity.Only in this way the Belt and Road Initiative can become a win-win bond between overseas Chinese development and Chinese national strategic development.
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2017年第4期132-143,共12页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 一带一路 侨务工作 华侨华人 机制创新 The Belt and Road Initiative Overseas Chinese Affairs Overseas Chinese Mechanism Innovation
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