目的探讨体重质量指数(BMI)、体脂率(RBF)判别中学生肥胖的差异及其与中学生体质指标之间的关系。方法以佛山市某中学584名中学生(男生301名,女生283名)为研究对象,对其进行身高、体重、RBF、50米跑、立定跳远、坐位体前屈和肺活量测试。通过多元线性回归、卡方检验等方法进行统计分析。结果 BMI判定学生的肥胖率为男7.0%,女4.6%;RBF判定学生的肥胖率为男9.0%,女14.8%;基于BMI、RBF与中学生各体质指标的对比,肺活量、50米跑、立定跳远和坐位体前屈均产生了积极影响,且这4项指标在RBF的贡献率远大于BMI。结论 BMI与RBF划分的中学生肥胖率不一致;与各体质指标的对比也存在差异性。
Objective To explore the difference between weight and body mass index(BMI) and body fat rate(BF%) in middle school students' obesity, and its relationahip with their physical fitness indexes. Methods A total sample of 584 middle school students(301 boys and 283 girls) from a middle school in Foshan provided informed conset. Participated performed a series of seven tests: height, weight, BF%, 50 meter race, standing long jump, sit-and-reach and,vital capacity test. Statistical analysis was measured by multiple linear regression and chi-square test. Results The obesity rate of students, according to BMI was 7% for men and 4.6% for women, but on the basis of BF%, was 9% for men and 14.8% for women. Based on the contrast of BMI, BF% and middle school students' physical indexes, there were indexes have positive and their contribution rate in BF% was much larger than BMI which inclued vital capacity, 50 meter race, standing long jump and sit-and-reach. Conclusion The obesity rate of middle school students divided by BMI and BF% was inconsistent, and there was also difference between them and other physical indexes.
Hubei Sports Science