目的正交设计法优化β-环糊精修饰聚乙烯醇-海藻酸钠(PVA-SA)复合膜的制备工艺。方法以活化剂环氧氯丙烷的用量、β-环糊精的用量、反应时间为考察因素,以含水率和拉断伸长率为考察指标,利用正交设计法优化β-环糊精修饰PVA-SA复合膜的制备工艺的最佳条件。用红外光谱测定其特征吸收峰,扫描电镜观察其组织形态。结果最佳的制备β-环糊精修饰PVA-SA复合膜的工艺条件为:反应时间为24 h;β-环糊精的用量为1.0 g;活化剂的用量为1.5 m L。制得的复合膜外观光滑均一、柔韧且富有弹性,呈乳白色,经红外光谱和扫描电镜测定该复合膜呈现网状结构,分布均匀,含水率达到82.3%,拉断伸长率为498.2%。结论优选出的制备工艺条件可行。
Objective To optimize the preparation technology of PVA-SA composite membrane modified by β-cyclo- dextrin. Methods The activator of epichlorohydrin dosage,β-eyclodextrin dosage and reaction time were selected as the examination factors, while water ratio and elongation at break as the examination index, and orthogonal design method was used to optimize the β-cyelodextrin modified PVA-SA composite membrane preparation technology. Using IR to determine its characteristic absorption peak and SEM to observe the morphology of the materials. Results The best preparation of β-cyclodextrin modified sodium alginate PVA composite membrane conditions was as follows:the reaction time was 24 h ; β-eyclodextrin was 1.0 g; the dosage of activator was 1.5 mL. The exterior of composite film was homogeneous, smooth, flexible and elastic, the color was milky white. IR and SEM showed that the composite film appeared a network structure with a uniform distribution, and water ratio reached 82.3 %, elongation at break was 498.20%. Conclusion The preparation technology is of good feasibility.
Journal of Jilin Medical University