采用静态顶空(SHS)与气-质联用技术(GC-MS)测定葡萄酒中挥发性香气成分。通过单因素试验分别考察平衡温度、平衡时间、样品量和Na Cl添加量对干红葡萄酒香气成分有效峰个数的影响。以有效峰个数(匹配度>85%)为评价指标,采用正交试验优化了香气成分的检测条件。结果表明,静态顶空-气质联用检测干红葡萄酒中香气成分的最佳条件为:平衡温度55℃,平衡时间35 min,样品量8 m L,Na Cl添加量2.4 g。在此条件下,共鉴定出干红葡萄酒中的香气成分18种,其中醇类8种、酯类9种和1种酸。
Volatile aroma components in wine were determined by static headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (SHS/GC-MS). The effects of equilibrium temperature, time, sample volume and NaC1 addition on the effective peak number of aroma components in dry red wine were investi- gate by single factor experiments. Using the effective peak number (matching degree 〉 85%) as the evaluation index, the determination conditions of aroma components were optimized by orthogonal experiments. The results showed the optimum determination conditions of aroma components in dry red wine by SHS/GC-MS were as follows: equilibrium temperature 55 ℃, time 35 min, sample volume 8 ml and NaC1 addition 2.4 g. Under this condition, 18 kinds of aroma components in dry red wine were identified, including 8 kinds of alcohols, 9 kinds of esters and one kind of acid.
China Brewing