Objective: Research of Huoxiangzhengqi powder intervention on syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao model effects on metabolism glucose and gluconeogenesis mechanism to reveal the effects of syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao model on glucose me- tabolism in the gluconeogenic pathway, revealed in the regulation of energy metabolism and the spleen and stomach Huoxiangzhengqi powder in the treatment of syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao of the scientific connotation from the level of system biology. Methods : The natural model and comprehensive model combined with the three main factors of establishing simulation of dampness, syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao model. Measure the content of pyruvate pyruvate carboxylase and glucose by biochemical method ; measure the content of pyruvic acid and glucose-6-phosphatase by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The content of syndrome of damp- ness in middle Jiao model of pyruvic acid reduce, pyruvate carboxylase, glucose-6-phosphatase are reduce and glucose content in- creased; Huoxiangzhengqi powder can enhance the glucose metabolism of gluconeogenesis. Conclusion: Thesyndrome of dampness in middle Jiao will lead to increased energy consumptionrather than the body~ absorption and use of glucose lead to inadequate energy sup- ply, which may be one of the pathological basis of syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao of lassitude, anorexia, diet reduction ; Huox- iangzhengqi powder could strengthen the effect of syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao energizer gluconeogenesis and glucose some of the decomposition and transformation, which may be Huoxiangzhengqi powder treatment of rheumatism, a mechanism of action to alle- viate the lassitude, anorexia and other symptoms of diet reduction.
Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Syndrome of dampness in middle Jiao
Huoxiangzhengqi powder