
基于SBM-DEA模型及Malmquist指数的中国与欧盟航空运输企业能源效率比较研究 被引量:6

Study on the Energy Efficiency of China and EU Aviation Transportation Enterprises Based on SBM-DEA Model and Malmquist Index
摘要 航空运输企业是高排放高污染行业,研究其能源利用效率有着重要意义.基于SBM-DEA模型,利用2010年到2015年能源投入与能源产出的相关数据,对中国和欧盟共16家航空运输企业能源利用情况进行分析研究.结果表明,总体看欧盟航空运输企业能源效率优于中国企业;动态Malmquist指数分析结果表明,中国航空企业全要素生产率波动较大,欧盟企业则更为平缓,中国企业的全要素生产率与综合效率变化指数的变动情况基本保持一致,而欧盟企业的全要素生产率则与技术进步变化指数波动保持一致;在不考虑环境因素情况下会高估TFP增长率以及技术进步增长率.中国企业应加大技术投入和管理,才能有效提升能源利用效率及全要素生产率. Air transport enterprises are high emission and high pollution industries. It is of great significance to study its energy efficiency. In this paper, based on SBM-DEA model, we analyze the energy utilization of 16 air transport enterprises in China and Europe.The results show that, in general, the energy efficiency of EU air transport enterprises is better than that of Chinese Enterprises. The results of dynamic Malmquist analysis show that the total factor productivity of Chinese aviation enterprises fluctuates greatly, while the EU enterprises are more stable. The changes of the total factor productivity and the comprehensive efficiency change index of Chinese enterprises are basically the same, while the total factor productivity of the EU enterprises is consistent with the change of the technological progress. Without considering the environmental factors, the TFP growth rate and the rate of technological progress will be overestimated. In order to improve energy efficiency and total factor productivity, Chinese enterprises should increase investment and management in order to improve their energy efficiency.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2017年第17期194-201,共8页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然基金(71273022 71773006) 北京市社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDA49) 教育部专项(15JDGC012) 中国工程院咨询项目(2017-RC-05)
关键词 航空运输业 能源效率 SBM-DEA模型 技术进步变化 Malmquist-Luenberger指数 air transport industry energy efficiency SBM-DEA model technological changeMalmquist index
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