
铝合金盘式节点静力性能的有限元参数分析 被引量:3

Parametric analysis of static behavior for aluminum alloy TEMCOR joints
摘要 为研究几何参数对盘式节点承载力及刚度的影响,得到影响节点承载力及刚度的关键几何参数,以试验数据为基础,利用大型通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS,针对盘式节点的5个主要几何参数进行抗弯承载性能及初始刚度参数分析.分析结果表明:铝合金工字型杆件腹板高度增加,节点承载力及初始刚度近似成线性提高;腹板厚度增加,节点承载力有所提高,节点初始刚度有所降低,但变化幅度较小;翼缘厚度增加,节点承载力及初始刚度提高,且提高幅度较大;节点盘厚度增加,节点承载力有所提高,节点初始刚度有所降低,变化幅度先大后小;节点盘半径对节点静力性能影响不大.建议通过增大铝合金盘式节点工字型杆件腹板高度及翼缘厚度的方式,改善节点受力性能. To study the influence of geometric parameters on flexural capacity and stiffness of aluminum alloy TF.MCOR joints and get the key influence parameters, on the basis of test data, using the finite element analysis software ABAQUS, parameter analysis of influences of five main geometrical parameters on flexural capacity and stiffness of aluminum alloy TEMCOR joints is conducted. The analysis results show that when web height of I-shaped bars increases, bearing capacity and initial stiffness of the joints increase linearly: when web thickness of I-shaped bars increases, bearing capacity increases and initial stiffness of the joints decrease with small amplitude; when flange thickness of I-shaped bars increases, bearing capacity and initial stiffness of the joints increase with large amplitude; when thickness of plates increases, bearing capacity increases and initial stiffness decreases with large amplitude at first then with small amplitude; radii of plates have little influence on bearing capacity and initial stiffness of the joints. Increasing the web thickness and flange thickness of I-shaped bars is a good way to improve the static behavior of aluminum alloy TEMCOR joints.
作者 王元清 柳晓晨 石永久 尹建 欧阳元文 WANG Yuanqing LIU Xiaochen SHI Yongjiu YIN Jian OUYANG Yuanwen(Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Education Ministry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Shanghai Tongzheng Aluminum Industry Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 200949, China)
出处 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期688-696,732,共10页 Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(优先发展领域)(编号:20110002130002)
关键词 铝合金盘式节点 抗弯承载力 节点刚度 有限元 参数分析 aluminum alloy TEMCOR joints flexural capacity joint rigidity FEM parametric analysis
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