The statistical analysis of 97 literatures shows that there is a quadratic parabolic relationship between direct seeding density and yield of rape: Y = 2 213,058 9 + 14,556 9 X- 0.145 5 X2. The optimum density is 3.413 × 10^5 - 5,001 × 10 ^5 plants/hm2. Compared with conventional rape, hybrid rape has higher yield (by 3.71%) and lower density (by 4,97%), To obtain a high yield, conventional rape (or lines) needs to be planted more densely compared with hybrid rape,
对97篇文献的统计分析表明,直播油菜产量与密度间呈一元二次抛物线关系,Y=2 213.058 9+14.556 9 X-0.145 5 X2,获得高产的适宜密度为34.13-50.01万株/hm2。杂交油菜比常规油菜产量增产3.71%,密度低4.97%。常规油菜(或品系)获得高产的密度高于杂交油菜。
Supported by National Key Research and Development Program(2016YFD0100202)
Modern Agriculture Industrial Technology System of Guizhou Province(GZCYTX2013-0802)
Independent Innovation Research Fund of Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2014-014)
Science and Technology Plan Project of Guizhou Province(2016-2556)~~