目的:比较不同样本中HBV抗原的检出率,探讨唾液传播在HBV传播流行中的意义。方法:采集上海市第六人民医院和徐汇区大华医院口腔科就诊患者唾液标本891份,平行采集带血唾液578份和血清标本450份,用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)进行乙肝五项检测,使用SPSS19.0软件包对数据进行χ2检验。结果:普通唾液、血性唾液、血清3类样本的性别、年龄和户籍差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),分别检出8种、11种、12种HBV-M组合模式。普通唾液标本中检测出6个"大三阳"(0.67%),检出率与血性唾液标本(0.87%)、血清标本(1.56%)相当(P>0.05)。血清标本的HBs Ag检出率显著高于血性唾液和普通唾液(P<0.001),普通唾液与血性唾液的检出率无显著差异(P>0.05),且血清样本男性组和女性组、不同年龄组、外地组和本地组的HBs Ag阳性率均无显著差异(P>0.05),3类标本中HBe Ag阳性率的差异无显著性。结论:唾液是乙肝传播的重要途径之一。当传染性比较强时,唾液标本中的病毒含量较高。唾液中乙肝病毒可能来源于血液之外的其他途径。
PURPOSE: To compare the detection rate of HBV antigens in different samples, and to explore the significance of saliva transmission in the spread of HBV. METHODS: Eight hundred and ninety-one ordinary saliva samples, 578 bloody saliva samples and 450 serum samples of dental patients were collected from Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital and Dahua Hospital, and HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb and HBcAb were detected by ELISA method. SPSS19.0 software package was used for chi-square test. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in gender, age and household registration between three types of saliva sample: ordinary saliva, bloody saliva and serum (P〉0.05). Eight, 11 and 12 of HBV-M combination modes were detected from the above three samples. Six "HHAs" were detected from the normal saliva samples (0.67%), and the detection rate was similar to bloody saliva samples (0.87%) and serum samples (1.56%) (P〉0.05). HBsAg detection rate in serum samples was significantly higher than bloody saliva and ordinary saliva (P〈0.001). The difference between ordinary saliva and bloody saliva and between different age-group, sex-group, and census register group in serum samples was of no significant difference (P〉0.05), and so was HBeAg. CONCLUSIONS: Saliva is an important transmission route of hepatitis B, and should be taken seriously. When the infectivity is strong, the virus content in saliva is high. Hepatitis B virus in saliva may come from other than sources except blood.
ZHU Ya-ping GUO Jian-qing.(Department of Stomatology,Dahua Hospital, Xuhui District. Shanghai 200237, Chin)
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology