In view of that the tra d it io n a l road spectra acq uis it ion method is l im ite d by prototype vehicle testwith long development cycle and can not ef ie ct ively pre dic t subsequent parameter changes and estimate the parame-ters of new vehicle make, a high-frequency model fo r t ire and a 3D d ig ita l road surface model are established based on the traditional analysis on vehicle dynamic lo a d s, and a method of v ir tu a l road spectra dynamic response analysis and durability performance evaluation of vehicle fo r the complete transfer path from ro a d, t i r e, suspension to car body is proposed. By generating dynamic load based on 3D d ig ita l ro a d,the d u ra b i l i ty performance of vehicle struc-ture can be estimated in early phase of project development. The results show that the method adopted can get the data rather close to road spectra data collected b y . tra d it io n a l wheel-center force transducer and ef fect ively id e n t ify the risk locations of component and gradually el iminate road spectra data acq uis it ion in development stage,achieving accurate estimation of structural durabi l i ty in early stage of development.
Automotive Engineering
tire model
3D digi tal r oad
vi r tual ro a d s p e c t ra
lo a d p r e d ic t io n
fa t ig u e d u r a b i l i ty