
略谈南海海洋文化遗产及其当下价值 被引量:6

Maritime Cultural Heritage of the South China Sea and Its Current Value
摘要 20世纪以来,南海及其周边地区发掘了一批海洋文化遗迹、遗物和沉船,非物质文化遗产也受到关注。南海北岸珠江口湾区南越国及汉代番禺都会文化遗存、南海西南暹罗湾扶南国俄厄海港文化遗存、南海北部西沙群岛甘泉岛居住遗址都见证了南海早期海港城市、濒海国家发展和西沙群岛开发的历史。20世纪90年代以来南海及周边海域发现了黑石号沉船、印坦沉船、南海Ⅰ号沉船、华光礁Ⅰ号沉船、金瓯沉船等重要海洋考古遗址,出水大批极有价值的沉船遗物,对研究"海上丝绸之路"发展历史,了解涉海人群的社会生活具有重要意义。海南民众创造的兄弟公信仰是具有跨国色彩的海洋信仰,在中国乃至东南亚海洋信仰中占有一席地位,《更路簿》所蕴涵的航海知识也是近世东亚海洋文明的重要组成部分。作为中华海洋文明结晶与文化遗存,对南海海洋文化遗产应善加保护与利用,为发展现代海洋生态文明,建设"一带一路"大局服务。 Since the 20th century,many maritime cultural heritage sites,remains,and shipwrecks have been discovered in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas. Those sites and remains,including Nanyue kingdom site of the Pearl River bay area,Panyu urban site of the Han dynasty,port city óc Eo of Fu'nan in the Gulf of Siam in the southwest shore of the South China Sea,and Ganquan Island in the Xisha Islands,witnessed the history of early port cities of the South China Sea,the development of coastal countries and the exploitation of Xisha Islands. Since the 1990 s,many important maritime sites have been found in the South China Sea and the surrounding areas,such as the shipwrecks of Batu Hitam,Intan,Nanhai Ⅰ,Huaguangjiao Ⅰ,Cà Mau and so on.Vast amount of valuable relics were rediscovered through underwater archaeology,making great significance on the research of the development of maritime Silk Road and the social activities of marine-related people. Meanwhile,the Intangible Cultural Heritage has also received great attention. For instance,Xiong Di Gong belief created by Hainan people is a representative of the marine religious culture with transnational feature and has played an important role in the marine religion in China,and even in the Southeast Asia. The nautical knowledge recorded in Geng Lu Bu is also a crucial part of the contemporary East Asian maritime civilization. As the crystallization of Chinese maritime civilization and cultural heritage,the South China Sea maritime cultural heritage should be protected and explored in a better way so as to serve the development of modern marine ecological civilization as well as the "Belt and Road"initiative.
作者 李庆新 LI Qingxin(Centre for Guangdong Maritime History Studies, Guangdong Academy of Social Science, Guangzhou 510635, China)
出处 《南海学刊》 2017年第3期37-46,共10页 The Journal of South China Sea Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目[12&ZD14]
关键词 南海 海洋考古 番禺都会遗存 俄厄海港遗址 甘泉岛居住遗址 兄弟公信仰 《更路簿》 South China Sea maritime archaeology Panyu urban remains site of port city oc Eo Ganquan Is-land Site Xiong Di Gong belief Geng Lu Bu
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