
基于食物安全层次性的耕地保护:政府与市场的合理边界 被引量:11

Cultivated Land Protection Based on Different Hierarchies of Food Security:Rational Boundary between Government and Market
摘要 确保口粮绝对安全与谷物基本自给具有明显的公共物品性质,中央政府应将优质、无污染的耕地划入永久基本农田保护区进行严格控制,划定时提高监督强度,划定后利用激励机制,使永久基本农田的生产力不断提升。在保证口粮绝对安全与谷物基本自给后,粮食安全具有准公共物品性质,在保护与粮食安全相对应的耕地时,可以适当利用市场提高资源配置效率。地方政府利用全国统一的市场进行农地发展权转移交易,同时通过经济激励、政治晋升激励与"三重监督",实现占用耕地与补充耕地的质量和生态平衡。保障粮食安全后的食物安全是私人物品,市场可以在其中发挥基础性作用,对将质量等级较差的边际耕地转换为其他农用地可以不加限制,转换为建设用地也应以市场配置为基础。 In the protection of cultivated land, it is important to define the boundary between government and market to improve the performance of the cultivated land protection policies and realize coordination between food safety, new industrialization, and new urbanization with low economic and social costs. Yet, it remains controversial whether cultivated land protection should merely rely on government, or market, or the combination. In addition, it remains unknown what kind of institutional arrangements will generate higher policy performance. There is no unique optimal provision model for any public service, which depends on the nature of the item. According to the characteristics of production and consumption, food security can he divided into different hierarchies. The institutional arrangements for cultivated land protection should be made according to the different hierarchies of food security and their production and consumption characteristics. It is difficult to determine whether government or market is better to provide public services as the advantages and disadvantages of both maybe mutually transformed under certain conditions. This study investigates different hierarchies of food security hierarchy and relevant production and consumption characteristics. According to the nature of food security at each hierarchy, the study defines the rational boundary between government and market by considering the needs of control and efficiency. In addition, this study also examines the applicability of centralized and decentralized governance models in cultivated land protection, and then puts forward the management system of cultivated land protection at the concrete operation level. This system facilitates to realize comprehensive cultivated land protection in terms of quantity, quality, and ecology and reduce implementation cost of ensuring food security and cultivated land protection. Due to low demand elasticity and low supply elasticity of ration and grain in domestic and foreign markets, ensuring the absolute safety of ration and the basic self-sufficiency of grain at the first hierarchy obviously has the nature of public goods. Therefore, strict control should be placed on cultivated land for ration and grain security. The central government should convert the existing intimate relationship management model into the alienated relationship management model, allot high quality and pollution-free cultivated land into the permanent basic farmland protection zone. Close monitoring should be conducted to ensure the quality and ecology of cultivated land assigned to the permanent basic farmland protection zone. After allotting, incentive mechanisms should be used to stimulate the enthusiasm of the local governments and farmers to manage and maintain permanent basic farmland. Under these circumstances, the ; productivity of permanent basic farmland can be continuously improved to effectively protect the absolute safety of ration and the basic self-sufficiency of grain. After ensuring the absolute safety of ration and the basic self-sufficiency of grain, food (e. g. , beans, potatoes) security has the nature of quasi-public goods. When protecting cultivated land for food security at the Second hierarchy, market can be properly used to improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Through developing a unified national farmland development rights transfer (FDRT) market, local governments can purchase sufficient amount of cultivated land protection in such a FDRT market while improving land use efficiency. The efficiency and legitimacy mechanisms can therefore complement each other and then under the economic incentive, political promotion incentive and "triple supervision (which means comprehensive supervision from procurator authority, government, and NPC Standing Committee)," it is possible to truly realize the quality and ecology balance of farmland occupation and supplement with appropriate economic incentive, political promotion incentive and "triple supervision." After ensuring food (beans, potatoes) security, agricultural product (vegetables, fruits, animal products, etc. ) security at the third hierarchy has the nature of private good, whereas market can play a fundamental role according to their production and consumption characteristics. The cultivated land with poor quality grade and the marginal cultivated land can be converted into other agricultural land without restrictions. It should be noticed that conversion from agricultural land to construction land should still follow the existing regulations. If meeting requirements of land use planning, construction land should also be allocated based on the market. Such a practice can improve the land use efficiency and further reduce the burden of cultivated land protection. This mechanism is a useful supplement to FDRT market and help to realize food security and sustainable economic development at a low cost. The central government strictly controls the permanent basic farmland to protect a certain amount of high quality and pollution-free cultivated land. The local government utilizes the FDRT market to realize the quantity, quality and ecology balance of farmland occupation and supplement. Marginal land and construction land are allocated through market to improve efficiency. Governments at all levels and market complement each other to ensure the absolute safety of ration, basic self-sufficiency of grain, food security and effective supply of agricultural products at low economic and social costs.
作者 郭珍 吴宇哲
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期30-41,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71373231) 中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助项目(2016M601956) 浙江大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2017QNA212)
关键词 食物安全 耕地保护 政府与市场边界 激励机制 监督机制 food security cultivated land protection boundary between government and market incentive mechanism supervision mechanism
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