安全科学扑火是森林消防的重要工作,影响扑火安全的因素很多,其中地形是最基础的因素。一些特殊的地形对扑火人员的生命安全构成了极大的威胁,如陡坡、窄山谷、窄山脊、单口山谷(葫芦峪)、鞍部、悬崖等,如何高效地识别扑火危险地带,对于科学指挥、安全灭火至关重要。文章以广州市大岭山林场为例,采用GIS(地理信息系统)的栅格分析方法,基于DEM(数字高程模型)分析识别林火扑救危险地带的地形特征,建立Arc GIS可视化分析模型快速提取危险地带,与实际地形对比准确度很高,表明该方法科学有效。
Safety and scientific extinguishment of the fire is the first concern for the forest fire control. There are many factors that affected the safety of firefighting, in which the terrain is the most basic factor. Especially some special terrains are the great threat to the life safety of forest firefighters, such as abrupt slopes, narrow valleys, narrow ridges, gourd-shaped valleys, saddle, cliff and etc. How to efficiently identify the danger zone is very important to the firefighting safety and the scientific command. Taking Guangzhou Dalingshan Forest Farm as an example, the paper uses the method of GIS(Geographic Information System) to identify the terrain features of danger zone in the forest firefighting based on DEM(Digital Elevation Model), and establishes the visual analysis model of Arc GIS to quickly extract the danger zone, which is very accurate compared with the actual terrain. It shows that the method is scientific and effective.
Forestry and Environmental Science
forest fre
danger zones in forest frefghting
identifcation and extraction
DEM (digital elevation model)