
拔牙位点保存技术的现状与发展 被引量:5

Current Status and Development of Preservation Techniques after Tooth Extraction
摘要 随着当代医学的发展,口腔种植技术被越来越多的患者所接受。但是牙齿拔除后牙槽骨会发生吸收,周围缺乏固定和支持种植体的骨组织,会对种植体的稳定性产生重大的影响,同时牙槽骨的不足对种植后期的美容修复也会产生不利的影响。牙槽骨的不足是我们当前所面临的最大问题。拔牙位点保存技术,是减少拔牙后牙槽骨吸收,促进牙槽窝内新骨形成的一系列临床治疗方法。常用的拔牙位点保存技术有即刻种植、植骨等。本综述就拔牙位点保存技术的概念、常用的方法、现状与未来的发展等做一综述,为临床上拔牙位点保存技术的应用提供理论依据。 With the development of contemporary medicine, oral implantology has been accepted by more and more patients. Alveolar bone resorption is the common outcome after tooth extraction. Lack of fixed and support around the implant bone tissue will have a significant influence on the stability of the implant. The shortage of alveolar bone is the biggest problem we are facing. Ridge preservation is a series of treatments aiming at limiting alveolar bone resorption after tooth extraction and stimulating new bone formation. At present, commonly used ridge preservation technology are instant implantation, bone graft and so on. In the paper, the concept methods of ridge preservation and the preservation technology status were reviewed. For clinical ridge preservation technology provide theoretical basis for the application.
作者 桂枫
机构地区 北京航天总医院
出处 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期4066-4069,共4页 Genomics and Applied Biology
基金 北京航天总医院资助
关键词 拔牙 骨吸收 种植 位点保存技术 Tooth extraction, Bone resorption, Implantology, Ridge preservation
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