本文以提升电动车用两挡AMT(Automated Mechanical Transmission)换挡性能为目标,通过对执行机构的优化设计实现快速、平顺及准确换挡,确定了换挡时间、拨叉移动加速度、接合套位移误差作为换挡性能评价的量化指标。电动换挡执行机构由无刷直流电机驱动,由蜗轮蜗杆、凸轮及拨叉同步器组成。机构设计的创新点在于根据换挡要求将分段的凸轮凹槽轮廓设计成了高阶可导的光滑曲线,可显著提升换挡过程的平顺性。为验证设计的执行机构的性能,本文根据建立的动力学模型在MATLAB/Simulink软件下进行了换挡过程仿真,仿真结果表明优化后的执行机构拨叉轴向速度光滑可导,完成换挡(包含摘挡与挂挡)总时间约1.5s,理论上换挡完成接合套位移误差为零,而未优化的机构会产生换挡冲击。
The shifting actuator design and optimization of two-speed AMT(Automated Mechanical Trans- mission) for electric vehicles are proposed in the paper, with purpose to improve shifting performance. It is rapidity, comfort, and accuracy, which separately corresponds to time cost, fork acceleration and displace- ment error during shifting, that evaluate the performance. The shifting actuator is driven by brushless DC motor (BLDC) and is made up of worm reducer, cam, fork and synchronizer. The profile of cam is designed smoothly, which could definitely improve shifting comfort. Based on dynamic equation, the dynamic re- sponse is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink to analyze the shifting performance of 2AMT, and the result shows the optimized cosine cam groove could reduce shifting impact compared to the spiral one, and it costs 1.5 seconds to finish shifting process.
Drive System Technique