

Preliminary Study on Thorium-based ADS Fast-thermal Coupled Subcritical Nuclear System
摘要 为补偿由于次临界反应堆的燃耗所损失的反应性,降低次临界反应堆功率对加速器束流的依赖,考虑钍的转换,给出了采用钍基燃料,液态铅-铋合金单一回路冷却、石墨慢化的ADS快热单向耦合次临界堆芯设计方案。结果表明:本设计方案实现了堆芯功率展平、中子单向耦合,延长了换料周期,并消除了空腔的不利影响;堆芯寿期内的温度反应性反馈为负效应,安全性高;堆芯具有较高的能量放大能力;堆芯寿期内k_(eff)变化不超过1.05%;所需加速器最大束流强度为4.21mA;堆芯的MA嬗变支持比可达15个百万kW级的PWR,嬗变能力强。 In order to compensate the reactivity depleted due to burnup and reduce the dependence on the beam intensity of accelerator, a design scheme of ADS with fast- thermal unidirectional coupled subcritical core, liquid lead-bismuth alloy single circuit cooling and graphite moderating was given. The use of thorium fuel and the conversion of thorium to uranium were taken into account. The results indicate that the power flattening, neutron unidirectional coupling and extending the refueling cycle are achieved and the adverse effects of the cavity are eliminated. The temperature reactivity coeffi-cient of the final design reactor is negative, and the safety is high. In addition the core has a high energy amplification capability, and the change of is not more than 1. 05 % in the lifetime. The maximum beam intensity required for the accelerator is 4. 21 mA. Besides, the transmutation support ratio of the core is 15 PWRs of million kilowatt, and the transmutation ability is strong.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期2278-2282,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 ADS 钍基 快热耦合次临界装置 ADS thorium-based fast-thermal coupled subcritical device
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