
某35 mm超音速榴弹弹丸阻力系数分析 被引量:5

Coefficient of Drag Analysis of a 35mm Supersonic Grenade Projectile
摘要 根据弹丸设计理论,通过改变弹丸弧形部曲线、弧形部长度和弹丸长径比,以Solid Works为平台建立了某35mm超音速榴弹弹丸的七种简化三维模型,导入Gambit中进行网格划分,运用工程流体软件Fluent进行了弹丸外流场数值仿真,得到不同外形轮廓尺寸的弹丸在不同马赫数下飞行时的阻力系数以及弹丸弧形部曲线、弧形部长度和弹丸长径比对弹丸阻力系数的影响规律。 For the study and design of 35 mm supersonic grenade, it is needed to study the coefficient of drag of grenade projectile during supersonic flight. According to projectile design theory, by changing the curve of the arc section, the length of the arc and the ratio of length to the diameter of the projectile, the simplified 3D models of seven kinds of 35 mm grenade projectile were established through SolidWorks. And the grid division was conducted by Gambit. The external flow simulation of grenade projectile was carried out by Huent. The coefficients of drag of the studied projectiles with different shapes and dimensions under different Mach numbers, and the influence of the curve of arc section, the length of arc section and the ratio of length to diameter of projectile upon the drag coefficient of projectile were obtained. The research results provided a theoretical basis for the research and design of 35 mm caliber supersonic grenade.
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 2017年第11期59-64,72,共7页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 超音速 35 MM 榴弹弹丸 FLUENT 阻力系数 supersonic 35 mm grenade projectile Fluent coefficient of drag.
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