Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is related to metabolic syndrome, which leads to a high risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Dyslipidemia in patients with RA characterized by lower cholesterols, especially high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is associated with atherosclerosis. Change of fat distribution and abdominal obesity can aggravate inflammatory response in RA patients. The prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes in RA patients is higher than that in normal population, which also lead to a high risk of CVD. Disorder of glucose metabolism and insulin resistance are related to the activity of RA. Urate deposition around joints is common in RA ; the level of blood uric acid can be a predictor of peripheral arterial events. Adipokines play roles in inflammatory and immune reaction in RA; the relevance between adipokines and activity of RA is still under investigation. Antirheumatic drug such as methotrexate, tumor necrosis factor-tx antagonist and interleukin-1 antagonist can improve metabolic syndrome and reduce the risk of CVD. The relationship between RA and metabolic syndrome needs attention in clinical oractice to prevent cardiovascular events and avoid ooor prognosis.
China Medicine