目的为太阳辐射试验标准、光老化试验标准修订时正确选择太阳光谱提供依据。方法辨析CIE NO.20,CIE NO.85两种出版物太阳辐射光谱特点,从五个方面对此问题进行探讨,统计这两种太阳辐射光谱带宽辐照度的误差;分析相对空气质量、臭氧与水分、云层光学厚度、地表反射率等因素对太阳辐射光谱辐照度的影响;分析人工辐射光源光谱分布特点,以及它们与太阳辐射光谱的差别;分析当前光老化试验标准对光谱辐照度允差的要求;介绍光老化试验结果间的可比性。结果 CIE NO.85光谱更准确、更细致,但其波长范围较窄,两种光谱辐照度的差别很小,大气环境中许多因素会降低到达地面的光谱辐照度;人工辐射光源光谱与太阳光谱的误差、光老化试验标准中光谱辐照度允差都远大于前述太阳辐射光谱间的误差,标准对太阳光谱波长范围的要求比CIE NO.85光谱宽。结论太阳辐射试验标准、光老化试验标准修订时,仍可选用CIE NO.20光谱作为太阳辐射光谱。
Objective To provide basis for correct selection of the solar spectrum in amendment of radiation test standardfor the sun and light aging test standard. Methods By analyzing CIE NO.20, CIE NO.85 between two publications ofsolar radiation spectrum characteristics, this paper probed into this issue from the following five aspects: error statistics ofthese two kinds of solar irradiance spectral bandwidth; analysis of the relative quality of air, ozone and water, cloud opticalthickness, surface reflectance and other factors on the impact of solar spectral irradiance; characteristic analysis ofspectral distribution of the light source and the difference between them and the artificial radiation, the solar radiationspectrum; analysis of current requirements of light aging test standard of spectral irradiance tolerance; introduction to resultcomparability of two light aging tests. Results CIE NO.85 spectrum was more accurate and more detailed, but itswavelength range was narrow; the difference between two spectral irradiance was very small. The spectral irradiancecould be prevented from reaching the ground by many factors in the atmospheric environment. The error of light agingtest standard of spectral irradiance tolerance and the solar spectrum was far greater than two the solar radiation spectrumof the error between the publications. The wavelength coverage of solar spectrum required by the standard was wider thanthat of CIE NO.85. Conclusion CIE NO.20 spectrum might be selected as the solar radiation spectrum in amendment ofradiation test standard for the sun and light aging test standard.
Equipment Environmental Engineering