In recent years, China fell into the practical myth in child abuse area: on the one hand, China' s government has made some active intervention on child abuse, and a series of relevant regulations have been greatly promulgated to optimized the children' s growth space; On the other hand, the incidents of school bullying, domestic violence and social abuse in rural areas still wildly happened, some cases are even thought-provoking. Therefore, it has a strong research value to evaluate the effectiveness of child abuse policies in China, the difference between various groups and the causes of child abuse. Using a sur- vey of 6050 rural girls in six provinces of central and western China, this study attempts to discuss the three above-mentioned practical confusions with empirical methods. This study finds : ( 1 ) the risk of child abuse in Midwest China is not serious, but the proportion who received child abuse has reached a total of 30%, and corporal punishment, swear words and violent beating as the main forms; (2) the risk of child abuse of rural girls can be significantly divided by region and grade, girls in poor areas and younger girls is more likely to be violated, of course, single girls, living-alone girls, left-behind girls, poor girls and other vulnera- ble children are worse than ordinary girls ; (3) the risk of abuse of rural girls is mainly affected by children' s performance and family capital, and the relationship between the parent-child relationship is limited, and also, the punitive motive under the pretext of love is the deep cause of the current abuse. It is suggested that our government should continue to deepen the control of low-intensity abuses, strengthen the special protec- tion against vulnerable girls, and also, view the family capital as the main breakthrough point.
Population Journal
Rural Girls, Child Abuse, the Risk of Abuse, Vulnerable Children, Family Capital