福田繁雄(Shigeo Fukuda)与西摩·切瓦斯特(Seymour Chwast)同被誉为世界著名的平面设计大师。所处于同一个时代的两人,拥有着不同的东西方文化背景,却都在平面设计上取得了巨大的成就。两人的招贴设计别具特色,在世界上皆造成了强烈的影响。本文首先将阐述福田繁雄与西摩·切瓦斯特这两位平面设计大师各自所处的背景,其次从设计手法与风格以及作品中所蕴含的美学思想这三个方面对他们的招贴设计进行比较与研究,并从中得到借鉴与启迪。
Shigeo Fukuda and Seymour Chwast are the famous graphic designers on the world. They are in the same age and although they have different cultural backgrounds, but they beth have made great achievements in graphic design. Their poster design is unique and has a strong influence on the world. The background of the two master graphic designers will be elaborated in the first part of this article. Then, the comparative study will be made on their poster design from three aspects. By comparing their design methods, the style of poster design and the aesthetic thoughts contained in their works, we will know their poster design better and learn something useful from it.