
人文关怀护理在儿童根管治疗中的实施效果 被引量:4

Application effect of humanistic care for children under root canal therapy
摘要 目的探讨实施人文关怀护理在儿童根管治疗中的临床效果。方法选取本院2015年8月~2016年10月期间需进行根管治疗的128例儿童作为本次的研究对象,并随机分为两组,实验组和对照组,其中,对照组实施常规护理,实验组在常规护理的基础上再加强人文关怀护理,比较两组患儿的配合治疗程度、每牙根管治疗平均时间及家长的护理满意度。结果实验组的患儿的配合治疗率为87.5%,家长的护理满意度93.8%,每牙根管治疗平均时间为(12.67±3.73)min;对照组的患儿的配合治疗率为71.9%,家长的护理满意度81.3%,每牙根管治疗平均时间为(17.75±2.58)min;各项差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对进行根管治疗的患儿实施人文关怀护理能提高儿童的配合治疗程度,减少每牙根管治疗的时间,提高患儿家长对护理的满意度,值得临床上推广。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of humanistic care for children under root canal therapy. Methods 128 children who had received root canal therapy in our hospital from August 2015 and October 2016 were selected as the research subject, and all them were randomly divided into two groups experimental group and control group. Routine care was applied in the control group, and routine care combined with humanistic care were applied in the experimental group. The children's cooperation with treatment, the average time for each root canal, and the parents’ nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results In the experimental group, the rate of cooperation with treatment was 87.5%, parents’ satisfaction rate with nursing was 93.8%, and the average time of treatment for each root canal was (12.67±3.73)min. In the control group, the rate of cooperation with treatment was 71.9%, parents’ satisfaction rate with nursing was 81.3%, and the average time of treatment for each root canal was (17.75±2.58)min. The differences were statistically significant(P 〈0.05). Conclusion Humanistic care for children with root canal therapy can improve the their cooperation with treatment, reduce the time of treatment for each root canal, and improve the parents’ satisfaction with nursing. Therefore, it is of significant value to be popularized in clinical application.
出处 《中国医药科学》 2017年第23期77-80,共4页 China Medicine And Pharmacy
基金 广东省广州市花都区科技计划项目(16-HDWS-024)
关键词 人文关怀护理 小儿 根管治疗 实施 Humanistic care Children Root canal therapy Application
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