
论西藏草业发展 被引量:4

Development of Grass Industry in Tibet
摘要 西藏是我国西南边陲重要的生态屏障,特殊的地理位置和气候环境决定了畜牧业是西藏地区不可替代的支柱性产业。草地农业,简称草业,是畜牧业发展的前提和基础。草种是发展草业的基础,草产品是发展畜牧业的重要饲料和保护生态环境的先锋"卫士",因此以草为业的草业是西藏实现经济发展、维护生态平衡和农民增收的关键产业。本文就草业的概念、西藏草地资源状况、西藏草业发展的现状及存在的主要问题进行了探讨与阐述,并提出了对策和建议,以期为西藏现代畜牧业的发展提供有用的借鉴与参考。 Tibet is an important ecological barrier in the southwest border of China. Its special geographical location and climatic envi- ronment determine that animal husbandry is an irreplaceable pillar industry. Grassland agriculture, short for grass industry, is the premise and foundation of the development of animal husbandry. Grass species is the basic of the developmentin grass industry. Grass products is im- portant fodder for the development of animal husbandry and also pioneers of ecological environment protecting, therefore, grass industry is a key industry of developing economic, maintaining ecological balance and increasing farmers" income in Tibet. In this paper, the concept of grass industry, the situation of grassland resources, the present situation of the development of the grass industry and its main problems in Ti- bet were discussed and expounded, and some countermeasures and suggestions were put forward for the development of modem animal hus- bandry.
出处 《草学》 2018年第1期74-79,共6页 Journal of Grassland and Forage Science
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0502002) 西藏自治区科技厅重点项目(2016ZDKJZC-15) 西藏农牧学院"雪域英才工程"支持项目(2015XYB03)共同资助
关键词 草业 生态平衡 畜牧业 西藏 grass industry ecological balance animal husbandry Tibet
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