
时间概念的主位化路径探究 被引量:1

The study of the processing of thematised time
摘要 本文在系统功能语法框架内分析时间概念充当小句主位的操作过程。依据语言的层级理论和层级间的体现关系,文中提出经验现象的主位化路径包括及物性系统中的一致式表征、词汇语法层词序调整以及语法隐喻三种方式,其中词序调整包括成分前置和主位化结构。三种方式的意义和操作复杂度是一种递增趋势。时间概念的主位化也遵循同样的原则,一致式表征指关系过程中时间参与者充当主语的小句,成分前置指时间附加语被置于句首,主位化结构指强势主位结构等特殊小句,而语法隐喻则是意义和形式共变的隐喻表达式。 This paper is to study the manner of how to anchor the concept of time in the position of theme in language under the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics( SFL). Based on the theory of stratification and the realization between different strata,the thesis holds that there are three manners of thematisation for experiential phenomena: the congruent representation in transitivity system,the adjustment of word order including preposing structure and thematised structure at lexicogrammar strata and grammatical metaphor,in which the complexity of meaning and operation increases. All of the manners are also available to the thematization of time. The congruent representation refers to the relational clause with time as the subject; the preposing structure refers to the clause-initial temporal adjunct; the thematised structure indicates those special clauses such as enhanced thematic structure,and yet the grammatical metaphor is a variant of meaning and form.
作者 王晓伟
出处 《外文研究》 2017年第4期1-8,共8页 Foreign Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“基于语料库的非人称构式认知研究”(16BYY180) 河南省教育厅人文社会科学项目“英语时间主语小句隐喻机制研究”(2018-ZZJH-069) 河南省社会科学规划项目“假想式移动关系构式及其意义建构研究”(2014CYY030)的阶段性成果
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