

Estimation of fiber diameter using age of animal and fiber natural length in Liaoning cashmere goats
摘要 本研究通过分析2010~2013年间1 931条辽宁绒山羊核心育种场的检测数据,得出了利用羊只年龄及绒丛自然长度估测净绒纤维平均直径回归方程。公羊羊绒纤维平均直径估测公式为y=12.325+0.369x1+0.576x2,母羊羊绒纤维平均直径估测公式为y=11.949+0.794x1+0.338x2,式中,y代表羊绒纤维平均直径,x1代表绒丛自然长度(0<x1≤12.75),x2代表年龄(1≤x2≤6)。两个公式的准确度分别达到71.2%和69.3%.这两个回归方程为羊绒纤维平均直径现场评估提供技术依据。 Based on 1 931 research data for Liaoning cashmere goats in key breeding farms from 2010 to 2013, two regression equations were established among fiber average diameter(y), age of goat(x2) and fiber natural length(x1). The regression equation for ram wasy 12.325+0.369x1+ 0. 576x2, and the regression equation for ewe was y =11. 949+0. 794x1+0. 338x2, y means the fiber aver- age diameter, x1 means fiber natural length(0〈x1≤12.75), x2 means age of goat(1〈x2≤6). Accuracy percent for regression equations reached to 71.2% and 69. 3% respectively. The regression equa- tions provided technique method for evaluating average diameter of cashmere fiber.
作者 武师良
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2018年第2期28-31,共4页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家绒毛用羊产业技术体系辽阳综合试验站(CARS-39-27)
关键词 辽宁绒山羊 绒丛自然长度 纤维直径 Liaoning cashmere goat Fiber natural length Fiber diameter
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