
四川省酒依赖患者康复后饮酒程度影响因素分析 被引量:13

Determinants of Drinking Relapse after Treatments in Patients with Alcohol Dependence in Sichuan Province
摘要 目的探讨四川省酒依赖患者康复后饮酒程度的影响因素。方法 2014年9月至2015年6月,在四川省10个地级市医院对符合条件的酒依赖患者进行随访,在其脱瘾治疗康复出院1年后进行面对面问卷调查,获得其一般人口学资料、近1年饮酒情况、烟草使用情况、情绪、应激相关因素等资料,运用有序多分类logistic回归分析其康复后饮酒程度的影响因素。结果 599例(100%)酒依赖患者在出院后1年内均再次饮酒,高发于40~59岁(68.4%,410例),其中低风险饮酒者18例(3.0%),高风险饮酒者92例(15.4%),有害饮酒者103例(17.2%),酒精依赖者386例(64.4%)。有序多分类logistic回归分析的结果表明,年龄增大(OR=0.978,P=0.009)、正性生活事件刺激大(OR=0.978,P<0.001)者康复后饮酒程度降低;负性生活事件越多(OR=1.014,P=0.003)、抑郁情绪越严重(OR=1.121,P=0.001)者康复后饮酒程度越高。结论酒依赖复发率高,高风险及有害饮酒不容忽视,负性生活事件、抑郁情绪是酒依赖患者康复后发生复发或较严重程度饮酒的危险因素。 Objective To identify factors that influent drinking relapse after treatments in patients with alcohol dependence in Sichuan province. Methods Data were collected in 10 cities of Sichuan province from September 2014 to June 2015, involving 599 patients who received treatments for alcohol dependence. A questionnaire survey was administered on these patients one year after discharge through face to face interviews, collecting data in relation to their demographic characteristics, drinking over the past year, smoking, mood and level of stress. Ordinal polytomous logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the association of these factors with drinking relapse. Results All of the 599 patients started drinking again after treatments: 18 having low-risk drinking, 92 having hazardous drinking, 103 having harmful drinking, and 386 having alcohol dependence. Younger patients [odds ratio (OR)=0. 978, P=0. 009], those who experienced less positive events (OR=0. 978, P〈0. 001) or more negative events (OR=1. 014, P=0. 003), and those with depression (OR=l. 121, P=0. 001) were more likely to resume a higher level of alcohol drinking than their counterparts. Conclusion High relapse with alcohol dependence is evident. So does hazardous and harmful drinking. Negative life events and depression are risk factors of drinking relapse, while older age and positive life events are protective factors.
出处 《四川大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期264-270,共7页 Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)
基金 四川省科技计划项目(No.2013FZ0007)资助
关键词 酒精依赖综合征 危险因素 复发 危险性饮酒 Alcohol dependence syndrome Risk factors Recurrence Hazardous alcohol drinking
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