
透灸法临床应用心得 被引量:13

Experience on Clinical Application of Penetration Moxibustion
摘要 高希言教授结合多年教学和临床经验,以古代"重灸"为理论基础,提出"透灸法"的概念。透灸法是一种以患者自觉灸感和施灸部位肌肤反应作为治疗程度指征的灸法。本灸法的特点有二:一是以患者灸后感觉为量效指标,"相对"刺激量大,即在患者可接受刺激范围内,温热力可以透达机体深部,灸感能循经感传,在保证疗效的前提下,扩大了灸法的治疗范围和临床适应症,提高了临床治疗效率;二是以医者观察到施灸处肌肤表现和患者机体状态作为灸量评价指征,以引起机体灸疗反应而不形成疮疤为度,既可产生瘢痕灸、化脓灸的治疗效果,又不影响美观和日常活动。作者通过临床实践发现,透灸法疗效显著、适应症广泛,治疗效率高,接受程度好,临床值得推广应用。 Professor GAO Xiyan,combining years of teaching and clinical experience,the ancient "Heavy Moxibustion"as the theoretical basis,puts forward the concept of"Penetration Moxibustion". Penetration Moxibustion is a kind of self-conscious sense of moxibustion in patients and part of skin reaction as indications of moxibustion therapy. There are two characteristics of Penetration Moxibustion: the effects of patients after moxibustion feeling are as the index; there was a relatively large amount of stimulus with acceptable stimulus range in patients to relatively enlarge the amount of stimulation and thermal penetrating. In the premise of ensuring efficacy,it can expand the range of treatment and clinical indications of moxibustion and then improves the therapeutic efficiency. The second is the healer observed in patients with skin and body state moxibustion quantity evaluation are the indications. To cause the body the moxibustion reaction without forming scar for degrees can produce scarring moxibustion,festering moxibustion treatment effect,and do not affect beauty and daily activities. Through clinical practice,it is found that moxibustion has obvious curative effect,wide indication,high treatment efficiency and good acceptability,and thus it is worthy of a wide application.
作者 温婧 高崚 王孟雨 陈岩 陈新旺 王栋斌 高希言 WEN Jing;GAO Ling;WANG Mengyu;CHEN Yan;CHEN Xinwang;WANG Dongbin;GAO Xiyan(Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450008, Henan, China;Shanghai Baptist University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Shanghai 210029 ,China)
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2018年第2期363-365,共3页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(81173335) 河南省科技攻关计划项目(172102310611)
关键词 透灸法 灸量 机体反应 临床应用 : Penetration Moxibustion quantity of moxibustion reactivity of organism clinical experience
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