目的了解和掌握北京市海淀区区属社区卫生服务中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力情况,针对不足,找出解决办法。方法 2015-07/10采用北京市疾控中心统一设计的《北京市社区卫生应急能力调查问卷》,对辖区区属28家社区卫生服务中心及相关人员进行统一问卷调查,内容包括机构情况、人员情况、物资情况、经费情况、能力与资质情况和卫生应急管理干部培训需求情况。结果所调查的28家区属社区卫生服务中心有14家成立了卫生应急科室,但挂靠到其他科室;各类一次性口罩和一次乳胶手套储备较多;3家社区卫生服务中心获得过财政专项应急经费;肠道门诊开诊17家,开诊率为60.1%;均制定有相关应急预案,每年开展应急演练;大部分应急管理人员认为采取集中培训形式、培训结合国内外最新案例、选择小组讨论、模拟演练的形式重要或很重要。结论海淀区社区卫生服务中心应急体系建设有待提高;政府应加大在卫生应急方面的投入,特别是人、财、物的投入;通过培训提高社区卫生服务中心医务人员疾病诊断能力。
Objective To understand the response capability for public health emergencies in district owned community health centers of Haidian district, Beijing; to find a solution against deficiencies. Methods Used the questionnaire of community health emergency response capacity in Beijing Municipality unified designed by Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The questionnaire survey was carried out on related staffs in 28 district owned community health centers. The survey contents included situation of organization, human resources, materials situation, funds, capacity, qualifications and health emergency administrative staff training needs. Results There were 14 among 28 districts owned community health centers those were surveyed had established health emergency department, but affiliated to other department. Various types of disposable masks and disposable latex gloves were stocked much. Three community health centers had received special financial emergency funds. 17 community health centers opened gastrointestinal clinic and the open rate was 60. 1%. All the investigated community health centers developed contingency plans and carried out emergency drills each year. Most emergency administrative staff believed that the centralized training, training in combination with the latest domestic and foreign cases, simulation drill Conclusion The health center in were important ( panel discussion and or very important ). system of district owned community Haidian district needs to be improved.The government should increase the investment on health emergency, especially human, financial and material input. To improve the medical staff's ability on disease diagnosis of community health center by training.
CAI Wei;YING Huaqing;HAN Wei;HOU Weiyuan;WANG Jian(Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100094, China.)
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
public health emergencies
community health center
response capability for public health emergencies