
丁酸梭菌CB1对肉鸡免疫器官指数、黏膜SIgA抗体和血清生化指标的影响 被引量:18

Influence of Clostridiumbutyricum CB1 preparations on immune organ index,mucous membrane SIgA and serum biochemical parameters of broiler chickens
摘要 试验选取1日龄Cobb500肉鸡15000只,随机分为5组,每组3000只,每组3个重复,试验周期为42d,前期1~21d和后期22~42d。试验分组为基础日粮(A组)、基础日粮+50g/t金霉素(B组)、基础日粮+100g/t丁酸梭菌CBl制剂(C1组)、基础日粮+200g/t丁酸梭菌CB1制剂(C2组)、基础日粮+200g/t丁酸梭菌CB1复合菌制剂(D组),分别在21d和42d时每个重复随机抽取10只鸡进行屠宰取样,测定相关指标。结果显示:丁酸梭菌CB1制剂添加组C1、C2和D组42d法氏囊指数比A组、B组分别提高了347.37%,520%和400%(P〈0.01),脾脏指数比B组显著提高了61.11%,46.67%和31.1l%。c1、c2、D组气管黏膜SIgA水平显著高于A组和B组,c2组、D组肠道黏膜SIgA水平显著高于A组和B组。21d和42d,血糖含量c1、C2、D组与A、B组相比均有所提高,D组显著高于A和B组(P〈0.05);尿素氮含量C1、C2、D组均低于A组和B组,D组显著低于A和B组(P〈0.05)。21d,D组总胆固醇、肌酐也显著低于A和B组(P〈O.05),但42d差异不显著。结果表明:丁酸梭菌CB1及其复合菌制剂能有效促进法氏囊和脾脏的生长发育,对于后期法氏囊的生长维持作用优于抗生素和基础日粮组;能有效刺激肉鸡气管和肠道体黏膜SIgA的分泌;在一定程度上改善了肉鸡血液生化指标,复合菌制剂组在血糖含量、尿素氮指标显著优于抗生素组。 This study was designed to investigate the effect of Clostridiurn butyricurn CB1 preparation and composite probiotics added to the diets on broiler immune function and serum biochemical parameters. In this experiment, 15 000 one-day old Cobb500 broiler chickens were randomly assigned to 5 treatments of 3 000 each, and each group has 3 duplication for 42 days. It was divided into the early stage(I-21 d) and the later stage(22-42 d). The treatments were as follows:basal diet(group A), basal diet+50 g/t chlortetracycline(group B), basal diet+ 100 g/t Clostridium butyricum CB1 preparation(group C1),basal diet+200 g/t Clostridiurn butyricum CB1 preparation (group C2), basal diet + composite probiotics of 200 g/t Clostridium butyricum CB1 preparation and Bacillus Subtilis preparation(group D). Weekly weighed to determine the production performance in 21 d and 42 d respectively,each set of 10 randomly selected chickens were slaughtered sampling and measure related indicators. The test results showed that at 42 d bursal indexes of broiler chickens group C1, C2 and D fed with Clostridiurn butyricum CB1 preparation improved 347.37%,520% and 400% (P〈0. 01) respectively compared with the group A and group B,and spleen indexes improved 61. 11%, 46. 67% and 31. 11% compared with group B. Also, tracheal mucosa SIgA levels of broilers in group C1, C2, D were significantly higher than those of group A, B and intestine mucosa SIgA levels of broilers in group C2,D were higher than those of group A, B. At 21 d and 42 d,blood glucose content of group C1,C2,D increased to some extent compared with group A,B and group D were higher than group A,B(P〈0.05). At 21 d,blood urea nitrogen and creatinine content of group D was obviously lower than group A,B(P〈0.05), but without significant effects at 42 d. So conclusions were drawn that Clostridium butyricum CB1 preparation and composite probiotics could effectively facilitate the growth and development of bursa of fabricius and spleen,and growth and maintenance effect on the late bursa of fabricius was better than that of basal diet and hlortetracycline group. They could also effectively stimulus the secretion of mucous membrane SIgA in broiler trachea and intestinal tract as well as improved blood biochemical indexes in some occasions. Blood glucose and blood urea nitrogen parameters in Clostridiurn butyricum CB1 preparation and composite probiotics group were obviously superior to antibiotics group.
作者 何菊 胡迪 郭云清 李筱雯 肖运才 王喜亮 石德时 李自力 毕丁仁 周祖涛 HE Ju1,2 , HU Di1,2 , GUO Yun-qing1,2 , LI Xiao-wen2 , XIAO Yun-cai1,2 , WANG Xidiang 1,2, SHI De- shi1,2 ,LI Zi-li1,2 ,BI Ding-ren1,2,3 ,ZHOU Zu-tao1,2(1. State Key Laboratory of Preventive Veterinary Medicine/College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2. College-enterprise Cooperation Probiotics Research and Development Center, Wuhan 430070, China ; 3. State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Wuhan 430070, Chin)
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期998-1002,1007,共6页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2662016PY103) 湖北省自然科学基金资助项目(2014CFB263)
关键词 丁酸梭菌CB1 肉鸡 免疫器官指数 黏膜SIgA抗体 血清生化指标 Clostridiurn butyricum CB1 broilers immune organ index mucous membrane SIgA serum biochemical parameters
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