
飞行试验IENA数据实时处理技术研究 被引量:4

Research on real time processing of airborne IENA data for flight test
摘要 针对飞行试验网络化机载测试采集架构的实现与普及,机上测试数据逐步采用IENA网络包的形式代替传统的PCM进行传输处理的现状以及机载实时监控需求的增长。提出一种基于网络的机载IENA数据实时解析方法,采用测试数据网络数据提取分析技术将各机载测试系统的数据进行融合处理并提供给试飞工程师。实验验证表明,该系统满足了试飞机载实时数据处理的需求,测试参数符合各项测试指标。 With the realization and popularization of the network architecture of airborne acquisition system for flight test,the on-board test data gradually adopts the form of IENA packet instead of the traditional PCM for transmission and processing. A design scheme and implementation method of building a real- time airborne IENA data analysis and processing system is proposed. Through the network flight test data processing technology,the data of each test system is fused and provided to flight test engineers. Experiments show that the system meets the test flight test data processing requirements.
作者 贾雨 吴海东 齐禅颖 王爽 JIA Yu;WU Hai-dong;QI Chan-ying;WANG Shuang(Chinese Flight Test Establishment,Xi'an 710089,China;Xi'an Yuanfang General AviationTechnology Development Croporation,Xi'an 710089,China)
出处 《电子设计工程》 2018年第9期6-9,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国防基础科研项目(JCKY2016205B006)
关键词 机载测试 网络化采集 IENA 实时监控 Airborne test;Networked sampling;IENA;real-time monitoring
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