

Analysis on the Course Teaching of Household Space Design in Higher Vocational Colleges——Optimization of Teaching Mode
摘要 家居空间设计课程为训练学生室内设计相关学术能力,强化理论与技术并重,学生不只需具备专业理论外,亦需具有精湛的专业技术,以衔接就业过程中适应社会环境为目标。家居空间设计的教学复杂又多变,要使学生能够了解并融会贯通地运用思考至家居空间设计当中相当困难,使学生经由做中学的模式实际体验建筑相关专业技能,内化为个人专业素养。本文将主要探讨高职院校家居空间设计课程教学存在的问题与优化改革。 Household space design course is for training students' interior design related with academic ability,and it pays equal attention to the theory and technology. Students should not only have professional theory,also need to have superb technical expertise,to join in the process of employment that is adapted to social environment as the goal. Household space design of the teaching is complex and changeable,it leads that we should enable students to understand and achieve mastery through a comprehensive use of thinking to the household space design. So that the students can learn it through doing the pattern of actual experience construction with related professional knowledge. It is to be the individual professionalism. This paper mainly discusses problems existing in the household space design in the reform and optimization of higher vocational colleges teaching.
作者 刘志红 LIU Zhi - hong(Hunan Environment - Biologic Polytechnic, Hengyang Hunan 421005, China)
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2018年第10期139-140,143,共3页
关键词 高职院校 家居空间设计 课程教学 优化 higher vocational colleges household space design course teaching optimize
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