
改良剂作用下盐渍化农田土壤Na^+动态研究 被引量:1

Investigation of Na+Dynamic Change in Salinized Farmland Soil under Conditioner Application
摘要 【目的】改良和利用盐碱土,促进农田作物增产增收,推动农业可持续发展。【方法】以滨州市中裕农牧产业园的农田土壤作为研究对象,采用小区试验,设置竹炭型有机复合肥(BC)、菌型有机复合肥(BO)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、对照(常规种植,CK)4种处理方式,开展了土壤Na+的时空分布特征及其动态变化规律的研究。【结果】随时间推移,4种处理的Na+均有向深层迁移的趋势,浅层土壤Na+质量分数阶段性变化大,其他土层阶段性变化较小,各土层Na+质量分数的动态变化趋势大致相同;拔节期前Na+质量分数波动性较强,之后波动性小,变化趋势基本一致,规律明显;Na+质量分数基本随土层深度增加而增大;不同处理Na+质量分数有差异,CK的Na+质量分数高,BO、PAM处理的Na+质量分数与CK接近,BC处理的Na+质量分数低;BC处理0~10、30~40 cm土层,CK的30~40 cm土层,PAM处理20~30 cm土层以及BO处理除40~50 cm土层外的其他土层,Na+质量分数与水溶性盐总量显著相关;BC处理0~20 cm土层、CK的0~10、20~40 cm土层、PAM处理0~30 cm土层Na+质量分数与电导率显著正相关,其他相关性不显著。【结论】Na+随时间向深层迁移,剖面土壤中Na+质量分数基本随深度增加而增大,水平方向不同处理之间存在差异;3种改良剂的改良效果比较,PAM效果较好,BC次之。 【Objective】The aim of this work is to improve and make use of saline-alkali soil effectively, to promote crop yield and agricultural sustainable development.【Method】Taking farmland soil of Binzhou as the experimental material, four soil treatments were set, and they were Bamboo charcoal organic compound fertilizer,Bacteria organic compound fertilizer, Polyacrylamide application and CK. Spatial distribution of Na^+and its dynamic change were investigated.【Result】As time goes by, Na^+migrated to the deeper layer. Na^+in the top soil layers changed greatly, Na^+in other soil layers changed slowly, and Na^+dynamic change trend of different soil layers were nearly the same. The dynamic change of Na^+content could be roughly divided into two phases. Before the elongation stage, the Na^+content vibrated strongly, then the trend tends to be stable and the regularity was obvious. The Na^+content in soil profile increased with soil layer depth. In the horizontal direction, Na^+content was different, and Na^+content of CK was higher. Na^+content of BO and PAM treatments were close to that of CK. The Na^+content of BC treatment was lower. Na^+content of 0~10 cm and 30~40 cm soil layers of BC treatment and Na^+content of 30~40 cm soil layer of CK and Na^+content of 20~30 cm soil layer of PAM treatment were significantly correlated with water-soluble salt. In addition to 40~50 cm layers, Na^+content of BO treatment was significantly correlated with water-soluble salt. Besides the positive relationship between Na^+content and Electrical conductivity(EC) in 0~20 cm soil layer of BC treatment and 0~10 cm and 20~40 cm soil layers of CK and 0~30 cm soil layer of PAM treatment, those relationships of other soil layers were not significant.【Conclusion】As time goes by, Na^+migrates to the deeper layer. The Na^+content in soil profile increases with soil layer depth. In the horizontal direction, Na^+content is different. In three conditioners, Polyacrylamide is the better one; Bamboo charcoal organic compound fertilizer is the second.
作者 刘佳 潘英华 张晴雯 刘璐 张振华 谷晓岩 杨永秦 LIU Jia;PAN Yinghua;ZHANG Qingwen;LIU Lu;ZHANG Zhenhua;GU Xiaoyan;YANG Yongqin(School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264000, China;Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy ofAgriculturalSciences, Beijing 100081, China)
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期92-100,共9页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2015ZX07203-007) 山东省高等学校优势学科人才团队培育计划项目 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2013DM010)
关键词 盐渍化土壤 NA^+ 土壤剖面 动态变化 改良剂 saline soil Na^+ content soil profile dynamic change soil conditioner
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