
8种梾木观赏性及经济学性状的综合评价 被引量:1

A comprehensive evaluation on ornamental and economic characters for eight dogwoods
摘要 为给梾木属植物的造林应用和推广提供指导,应用层次分析法(AHP),筛选出13个评价指标,建立包括生长性状、形态指标、观赏性、种子油、抗寒性5项准则指标的多层次分析结构模型,实现对8种梾木观赏及主要经济学性状的综合评价。结果表明:8种植物生长性状及形态指标差别较大,株型多样,部分物种枝条冬季猩红色;观赏性也具显著差异,果实色泽多样,花期长短不一,秋季叶色有别;粗叶梾木具有生长快、叶色艳丽、景观效果好、抗寒性强的优点,在所有物种中得分最高,为4.389;熊果梾木为生长较快的落叶灌木,晚秋枝条猩红色,秋叶红橙色,极具观赏性,加上其抗性强,在所有物种中得分第二,为3.973;多花梾木花大、花期长、果红色,得分第三,为3.843;国产毛梾含油量高、酸值低、皂化值中等,适于营造生物能源林。 To guide the applicatiuon aand popularization of Comus, a comprehensive evaluation on ornamental and economic characters was finished for eight dogwoods. 13 evaluating indexes were screened using analytic hierehy process, an multi-level analysis structure model were established, that included growth indexes, morphology indexes, ornamental property, seed oil, cold resistance, realized the comprehensive evaluation on ornamental and economic characters for eight dogwoods. There was evident difference on growth traits and morphological indexes among all dogwoods, as their types were various, and branches of some species showed scarlet in winter. There was significant difference too on overall ornamental property, this was reflected in the varioius fruit, florescence, and the change of leaves color. The characteristics of Comus drumondii were fast growth, leaf color was gorgeous, good landscape effect and strong cold resistance, so the total score was the highest, that was 4.389. The total score of Comus amomum was higher, it was bush, shoots was scarlet in late autumn, leaves was red orange in autume, in addation its resistance to cold was strong, so the total score was 3.973. The flower of Cornusflorida was big, florescence was long, fruits was red, the total score was 3.843, its rank was third. Corus walteri was alone domestic species, soil content of seeds was very high, the acid value was low and the saponification value was moderate, so it was good tree species to construct bioenergy forest.
作者 李冬林 梁珍海 金雅琴 夏重立 LI Donglin;LIANG Zhenhai;JIN Yaqin;XIA Chongli(Forestry Academy of Jiangsu, Nanjing 211153, Jiangsu, China;Department of Horticulture Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing 210038, Jiangsu, China)
出处 《经济林研究》 北大核心 2018年第2期127-132,共6页 Non-wood Forest Research
基金 国家林业局948项目(2011-4-30) 江苏省"333"工程人才项目 金陵科技学院博士启动基金项目(40610108)
关键词 梾木 层次分析方法 观赏及经济学性状 综合评价 Cornus AHP ornamental and economic characters comprehensive evaluation
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