
The occurrence,fate,and distribution of natural and synthetic hormones in different types of wastewater treatment plants in Iran 被引量:1

The occurrence,fate,and distribution of natural and synthetic hormones in different types of wastewater treatment plants in Iran
摘要 Over the past few years, the presence of steroid estrogens in the environment has become a major concern. In this study, the concentrations of estrone (El), 17β-estradinl (E2), and 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2) were measured in some wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in lran. These samples were collected from the municipal, rural, livestock, commercial, and hospital WWTPs, extracted by dispersive liquid-liquid micro extraction (DLLME) technique, derivatized, and detected by GC/MS. In these treatment plants, various processes including conven- tional activated sludge (CAS), aerated lagoon (AL), moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR), and activated sludge with wetland (AS + WL) are used. The highest concentration of hormones was observed in the influents and effluents of livestock, municipal, commercial, and hospital WWTPs, respectively. The maximum elimination rate was obtained in MBBR followed by AS + WL CAS and AL The biodegradation and adsorption rates along with adsorption coefficients of 1g kd and 1g koc were measured for all target compounds. Over the past few years, the presence of steroid estrogens in the environment has become a major concern. In this study, the concentrations of estrone(E1), 17β-estradiol(E2), and 17α-ethinyl estradiol(EE2) were measured in some wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) in Iran. These samples were collected from the municipal, rural,livestock, commercial, and hospital WWTPs, extracted by dispersive liquid–liquid micro extraction(DLLME)technique, derivatized, and detected by GC/MS. In these treatment plants, various processes including conventional activated sludge(CAS), aerated lagoon(AL), moving bed biofilm reactor(MBBR), and activated sludge with wetland(AS + WL) are used. The highest concentration of hormones was observed in the influents and effluents of livestock, municipal, commercial, and hospital WWTPs, respectively. The maximum elimination rate was obtained in MBBR followed by AS + WL, CAS and AL. The biodegradation and adsorption rates along with adsorption coefficients of lg kdand lg kocwere measured for all target compounds.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1132-1139,共8页 中国化学工程学报(英文版)
基金 the Vice Chancellery of Research of IUMS for their financial support of the Research Project # 394774
关键词 INFLUENT EFFLUENT ESTROGEN Wastewater BIODEGRADATION 废水处理 荷尔蒙 植物 自然 类型 伊朗 合成 分发
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