
基于铁路数据服务平台的高速铁路工务设备大数据应用研究 被引量:8

Big data application of high-speed railway track maintenance equipment based on railway data service platform
摘要 高效管理高速铁路工务设备数据对提高运营安全水平具有重要作用。介绍高速铁路工务设备数据的管理现状,对建立工务设备大数据应用进行需求分析,提出基于数据服务平台的工务设备大数据总体框架及相关功能。以京沪高速铁路工务专业为例,搭建京沪高速铁路数据资产汇集平台,并开展大数据应用。结果表明,基于该平台开展大数据应用能够科学合理地指导工务设备维修管理和提供战略决策。 Efficient management of data of high-speed railway track maintenance equipment plays an important role in improving operation safety.This paper introduced the present situation of the management of the data for the high-speed railway track maintenance equipment,analyzed demands for the establishment of big data application of track maintenance equipment,put forward the general framework and related functions of the big data of the track maintenance equipment based on the data service platform.The track maintenance of Beijing-Shanghai Highspeed Railway was taken as an example to build a data collection platform for the railway,and carry out large data application.The results show that the application of large data based on this platform can scientifically and rationally guide the maintenance management of the track maintenance equipment and provide strategic decision.
作者 杨怀志 吴艳华 程智博 YANG Huaizhi;WU Yanhua;CHENG Zhibo(Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100038,China;Institute of Computing Technologies,China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《铁路计算机应用》 2018年第7期85-89,共5页 Railway Computer Application
基金 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划课题(2017X004-F) 京沪高速铁路有限公司科技研究开发计划课题(2018-05)
关键词 高速铁路 工务设备 大数据 铁路数据服务平台 设备分析 high-speed railways track maintenance equipment big data railway data service platform equipment analysis
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